We care about people on every level.
We provide access to the basics like showers and laundry services, to needle exchange, wellness programs and housing.
Harm Reduction is our core philosophy driving all of our services. We meet people where they’re at – on the street, encampments or at any of our locations.

We provide a safe space for people who use drugs--it's a reprieve from the streets.
Services include:
Syringe exchange
Low Barrier Buprenorphine
Wound care
Food, clothing, & hygiene kits
A place to chill
The ReFresh Spot, known as an “oasis in Skid Row,” offers the community access to showers, restrooms, laundry, drinking water, a little library, phone charging, and WiFi connectivity. It is a public space open 24/7 (including holidays) with no discrimination for entry. Much-needed supplies are distributed, including: hygiene and wound care kits, socks, undergarments, overdose prevention kits, pet supplies, food, and more. Over a dozen community partners collaborate with the ReFresh Spot to provide additional health, housing, legal, and other services. The ReFresh Spot is a place for people to get their basic needs met with dignity where everyone is always welcome.

Our team does outreach at encampments throughout Los Angeles.
They play a pivotal role in establishing rapport with potential new clients.
This multidisciplinary teams consist of: registered nurses, substance use counselors, case managers, housing navigators, peer specialists, and mental health therapists.
Over 95% of the services we offer happen in the field. We conduct assessments, linkage to resources, assistance with housing readiness documentation, and mental health & physical health-care. Once resources have been identified, the team coordinates a “warm handoff” to the new provider and tracks the case until completion.
The goal is to get people housed and keep them housed.
Our team does this through outreach, assessments, linkages to interim and permanent supportive housing, and intensive case management.

We recognize that change does not look the same for everyone. Because of this, our goal is to meet people where they are regarding substance use, mental health and more. We employ the Harm Reduction Model, Stages of Change, and Motivational Interviewing as well as holistic practices for overall wellbeing.
Our training and education program provides innovative health education training and technical assistance to organizations across Los Angeles County and California, such as homeless shelters, community health clinics, hospitals and community-based providers.
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are available upon request.
HHCLA is certified by the:
California Association for Alcohol/Drug Educators (CAADE) — CP40 731 A 1219
California Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (CAMFT) — 12991
California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP) — 2S-08-115-1021
California Association of DUI Treatment Programs (CADTP) - 208